Muhammad Khan

I try to develop highly crafted work, In this perspective, I try to expose the truth of what we couldn’t see or sometimes we couldn’t understand, that experiment with painterly techniques to reveal atmosphere, dreams, feelings, emotions, issues, like define mannerism.

Muhammad Khan lives and works in Helsinki, Finland.
Khan works in a variety of genres and techniques, He would love the watercolor wash technique. He is gradually discovering the possibilities of constructing the images by adding thin layers of color and rendering them with dots, like collages with tiny brushes. In that way, the formal aspects of the work become important for him. which present realistically depicted subjects in the surreal against backdrops of powerful color. He works in all classic traditional and contemporary mediums.
His endless quest to discover and fight against the odds never ends, and one would easily spot that struggle in his work. He always tries to depict the whole pageant of human triumphal progress, past, present, and future with generosity in his work. His work defines his existence. He has always had a passion for developing or bringing out what our “contemporary” society seems to have lost.

I am interested in history, and civilizations that once inhabited different parts of the world, particularly imaging the hidden truth in excavated remains in our life.

In front of me, the human body is a replica of human society, the human body is such a fascinating form, it is complex both in its physical and as a thematic concern.

The body, which is core to performing everyday functions, keeps doing its tasks even most of the time without our conscious knowledge. It goes through various emotional and spiritual stresses.

The figurative works I have produced are glimpses of those moments it goes through.

Never will you attain the good until you spend from that which you love.