Bewar Hasan

I want to say I am painting to express my feelings and emotions about joy, sadness, energy, emptiness, dark side, light side, empathy, fear, courage, and so on rather than illustrate them. 
And then to try to hold people’s attention long enough to stay in front of my paintings and think deeply about their hidden stage inside.

Bewar Hasan

“My name is Bewar, I have studied at Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå Sweden (Konsthögskolan vid Umeå universitet) 2018–2021 including within artistic production, painting, drawing. Before that I studied (Institute of fine arts Dohuk) 2003 – 2008, five years in the design line and artistic production, painting, drawing, sculpture. As well as I also studied design and clothing here at Umeå University 2017.

Each person can ascribe their own personal meaning to the painting as they want, even they can find a personal purpose, direction, or object in paintings because we all have some enigmatic things and effects inside as you can’t describe or explain those things even if you can’t write about them, I would like to try discovering or express those thoughts to paint. I use powerful colors with rather rough textures and flexible movement, even with different rhythms. So, the technique I use is just a means of reaching a statement. “

I have control over how I work, so there is no accident, and my work does not have an ending. Sometimes within the process, I lose some shapes (forms) in my paintings, which I have created in my mind from the beginning, but at the same time I am not afraid of changes, of destroying the shapes, because each painting has a life of its own. I want to give them the painting life and let them live as they want and wish.