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Susan Lindström
My name is Susan Lindström, I am a visual artist and live in Storjola in northernmost Jämtland.
The small mountain village is located 13 km northwest of Borgafjäll on the border with Västerbotten and about 20 km to the Norwegian border. Here
there is a large area of roadless land and untouched nature.
Storjola is a mountain village at the end of the road. Or the road starts here – it depends on how you look at it.
I was born in 1958 in Lycksele but moved with my family to Hudiksvall in 1965 and already during elementary school there my
great interests in music, photography, arts and crafts. After the music high school in Härnösand, however, it was the creation of images that took over, and after 3 years of education at various craft schools and art schools, I finished art teacher training in Umeå in 1982.

I also studied art science in 1999-2000.
The art teaching job has since been the reason for a period of stay in Falun, then in Krokom, and a longer period in Östersund where
Palmcrantzskolan’s Picture and Form program was my last workplace. I taught there in various visual subjects as well as art – and
cultural history. Being able to pass on knowledge in these areas and follow the students’ development is extremely fun, satisfying and important.